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由Bound编辑: 1/17/2023 4:25:26 PM

Quests Still broken from Festival of the Lost and Dawning

Back in Season 18, I saw an invisible quest taking up space, but I hoped it would get fixed in Season 19. Not only did it not get fixed, the same issue that happened with Festival of the Lost happened again with the Dawning. I noticed my Titan had an "extra" invisible quest filling up my Quest log. When I go to the companion app, go to Pursuits on my Titan, I can see the two "extra" (previously invisible) quests now visible. They are the Dawning Event Card Upgrade and the Festival of the Lost Event Card Upgrade. They are taking up quest space and I cannot delete them! It even says that "the Upgraded Event Card expires at the end of the event," but clearly that's not the case because here they are still taking up space on my poor Titan. Please fix this Bungie, its taking up quest space. I feel like I'm being punished for spending real money on in game silver and cosmetics. P.S. if you examine all my imgur images you can see my screenshots from the game and the Destiny 2 Companion App.



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