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由Seiryoku编辑: 11/22/2022 2:56:33 PM

This was a fun experiment

Can we go back to fully rewarding • good movement • good positioning • good distancing [b](Not just crouched invis/overshield at the edge with scout, pulse, linear, sniper, fusion)[/b] • people moving forward for the mid-range engagement. Boots on the ground walking on a rail Destiny doesn't seem to be keeping the casuals like they said it would. They continue to demand for more randomness to offset the "skill" they say veteran players don't have in a "non-competitive" game. At least this forum full of parrots and mockingbirds. "It's all so easy to slide and shoot and jump and shoot, HC is the easiest, shotguns always slide." And that may be, but they can't use them. I'm glad the other weapons have been made more effective, but not how it has predictably turned out. I'll admit that the game is filled with nonsensical space magic explosions and weapons that make up for all lack of skill, so you can't take it serious on a competitive level like Counter Strike. Call of Duty. Or OG Halo with the boys. Not without imposing countless restrictions. But the passionate ones try. But many efforts this year have been to lower the ceiling before a class entirely built around movement and depriving the enemy of it comes out (Strand). Perhaps that's how strong it will be, but right now the game doesn't feel as good as former versions of it self. Right when we had struck the proper primary balance. Every single player, apart from Bungie themselves and the test players, will touch Strand for the first time. But there are those that will endeavor to spend time deliberately mastering it and others that will spend what time they have to play complaining they can't deal with the sweaty, paid players. Convinced everyone must be cheating, rather than learning the skill for themselves. Making every effort to skew the game rather than achieve any semblance of a proper balance. The game is being manipulated like Guardian Games in hopes to populate it for Eververse spenders. MAPS! MORE OF THEM. LESS PULSES AND SCOUTS UNWILLING TO MOVE FROM THE AWFUL SPAWN. You're not safe sitting in the back of the map and often hinder your team and spread them thin. These weapons should be outliers in Destiny. Not the main choice. Holding proper positions for the win condition, not just camping the longest range. Now people hide at the [i]edge of oblivion[/i] so [b]you over-tune Subs and Side arms[/b]. You thought fusions needed buffs because of poor usage... More strikes. Expand Gambit or scrap it. Shallow seasons won't work forever. And for all you PvE player that want less resources devoted to PvP, [b][i][u]this PvP community keeps the game alive between the content droughts![/u][/i][/b] They need reasons to stay. And many of the things you earn in the hardest PvE content, PvPers learn to do without question and grind. And everyday one of you makes a post, "Stop making me play PvP 😭". Bungie shoots themselves in the foot punishing those that spend any moment of their time attempting to "get gud" or offering an opinion in earnest to improve the experience, rather than a self-interested, uninformed request that creates irreparable damage. Y'all don't change position for advantage and can't look up so they created an entire system to make the game feel worse if your toes are off the ground. [b][i][u]WE SLAY HIVE GODS![/u][/i][/b]



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