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11/13/2022 6:33:29 AM

Please Fix Blight Ranger

Blight Ranger doesn't work as intended. I am constantly being unalived when blocking and it always says K'd By The Architects. It doesn't deflect like it's supposed to. If anything, I feel like it amplifies the incoming damage at me instead of away from me. Please look into this and fix it. Yes, I use blocking correctly. I use it without exotics and I use it with Raijuu and Raiden. Deflecting works just fine. It's only when I'm using Blight that I get this problem.



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  • I am still having this issue. I will be blocking projectiles and they'll pass through and hit me and my unalive is labeled as a "misadventure" not what the opponent was using. I like the concept of this helmet but it's so finicky that I can't trust it to not unalive me during a match. What I feel is happening is that the projectiles I'm supposed to be deflecting/amplifying at my opponent are actually being amplified [i]toward[/i] me. I tagged Bungie help in a tweet a long while ago but it went unanswered. Not sure what else I can do to have them look into it.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

  • [quote]Blight Ranger doesn't work as intended. I am constantly being unalived when blocking and it always says K'd By The Architects. It doesn't deflect like it's supposed to. If anything, I feel like it amplifies the incoming damage at me instead of away from me. Please look into this and fix it. Yes, I use blocking correctly. I use it without exotics and I use it with Raijuu and Raiden. Deflecting works just fine. It's only when I'm using Blight that I get this problem.[/quote] Blight ranger will flat out buff all damage that it reflects. For example, blocking an enemy nova bomb will increase its damage to the point where you will -blam!- with it. Arcstaff also has a bug where you will die while blocking seemingly at random. Not super common though.



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