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11/7/2022 7:44:31 PM

Probably the best thing you can do to improve Destiny rn outside of gameplay.

As much as it should, I don’t see the Season Pass going anywhere anytime soon. So just make it better. Every item in the pass should be an item you would also put in Eververse with the new season. Emotes, shaders, ornaments, etc. I should not have to look forward to getting everyday game items from a $10 pass. Get rid of Bright Dust and replace it with Silver. I’d convert every 10 dust to 1 silver coin. Give silver in the Season Pass instead of bright dust, and same with seasonal challenges. I should gain enough silver in from the Season Pass to purchase the next pass for free, you know … like every other game with a season pass. Go back to the seasonal model you had with Forsaken. I’d rather have less more impactful seasons than more seasons will little to no impact. Might also give you more time to work out bugs and what not, but I don’t develop games or know how you do things, so that’s fine. Sure, you might be able to set more stuff up for the lore with more seasons, but at the end of the day I think how you present the lore is more important than the lore presented. This season is a prime example. Cool lore + horrible presentation = bad season. If you have less seasons, I MIGHT also vote for splitting the price tags for the Seasonal gameplay content and the Season Pass. I don’t mind paying some money for a good season, especially if I can earn the pass for free like mentioned above, but I shouldn’t have to pay for a game/season just to be told that I have to fork up 10x more for more than half of the cosmetics.



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