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由Quiet_Bushi编辑: 10/18/2022 3:11:21 PM

Will Lightfall follow the Seasonal Model too? =/

Hey Guardians. I'm kinda worried by imagine spending another year with D2 following the same scheme of the Seasonal Model we've experienced so far... for other 4 Seasons? What I'm talking about is the scheme that brings us to: start the Season, get the Artifact to grind for Mods to use against Champions and make some Builds [i](also grind for Power for GM contents)[/i], complete the Seasonal Activity to step forward the story, wait an entire week to continue, meanwhile grind some new Currency to Upgrade the Seasonal *thing to upgrade* and Weapons/Armors, complete some Challanges to get EXP and Bright Dust, repeat. I've reached the point in which after 3-4 weeks I'm already tired ot this and basically PvE is kinda dead for me. I do just the bare minimum, collect those 2-3 things that I'm interested into and I'm done =/ I was wondering if others feel the same way I do and what do you do meanwhile when you reach the point in which the Season becomes boring. This Season I went back in PvP after a Season of pause so I killed the time in this way, but I wonder if it will be enough also with Lightfall.



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  • Yup Day 1 - release lightfall and season Day 1(1minute after reset) - nobody can get on the servers Day 1(2 hours after reset) - people start getting on the game. The first bugs are noticed Day 1(4hours after reset) - bungie release tweet stating they’re aware of issues that will be fixed in future update Day 1(4 hours 3 minutes after reset) - bungie release tweet stating they’re aware of issues with purchasing silver Day 1(4 hours 6 minutes after reset) - bungie deploy fix for silver purchases Day 1(10 hours after reset) - more players log in. More bugs are found. Bungie laugh Last day of season - bugs found at season start still not fixed. Bungie post pictures of new eververse items coming next season



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    • I'd rather have 2 seasons at 6 months each. Gives more time for ppl with lives to actually get a lot more done. I overall just hate seasons. Have the Events and just move the story along. Oh sorry... "story"



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    • Yes, because Destiny is no longer a passion project it's a brand. And soon, when Bungie sues you and I for not buying the new seasons or critiquing the game, we'll be forced to drive to court in our Destiny themed crossover cars featuring Fortnite-Pepsi-Coke-WarnerBros-Disney inc. to get sent to prison for life by none other than Luke smith.



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    • 由TheShadow编辑: 10/18/2022 6:00:25 PM
      Yep, and it's why I won't buy the next expansion or any season. Bungie has brought nothing to the table since Activision left.



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      16 回复
      • Seasonal models aren't bad when you have a bulk of content to pay around with And that's the problem. The bulk is just stale years old code. This sea fairing Odyssey is just a trading route a few stops along the way. Always going in circles and never somewhere new



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      • It’s harder to virtue signal when your head down making new content. As a result I’d think more of the same will occur with Lightfall.



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        3 回复
        • First, I believe Bungie stated during the Lightfall reveal that they are looking into ways of reworking light/power level and how it works. They may alleviate some of what you feel. Second, don't forget that we have had this model for nearly 3 years (Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, Witch Queen). I would say that going forward will be no different than before. My best advice is, unless you start speedrunning or doing lowman raids or in general focusing on endgame content with a clan, to find additional games to play when Destiny gets too grindy/boring.



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          2 回复
          • if they for some reason decide to stop the seasonal model, it's going to be around for at least 4 seasons after lightfall, as so many people bought the deluxe edition of the DLC, they would get a lot of backlash from people who bought the deluxe edition and not get their money worth



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          • I would think so. I don't know what the future of this game is but clearly no one is at the helm of whatever this is right now...



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          • Yup in the same boat. Bungie doesn't care though. They care about store sales and satisfied streamers, that's it.



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          • With my spare time, I've been learning dungeons to solo and teach to others. Also decided that I wanted to get xurs ship from dares of eternity and get conqueror title!



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          • What is the alternative?



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          • Since they’re still selling an annual pass with 4 seasons I assume the plan is to continue this model. I hope the grinds are better designed though. I don’t know if it one team working on all the seasons or multiple teams designing and developing them. It feels like multiple teams as some seasons hit a far better balance and of time:reward than others. I agree with somebody I saw say that seasons don’t always have to have a new activity and story. Since they don’t go into the DCV after each season ends any more there isn’t as much of a rush to get everything you want from them (story, triumphs, god rolls, etc). So if one or more seasons were just bigger loot table and content inclusions, like lots of more weapons and armor added to existing activities, and larger drops of new crucible maps.



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          • God, I hope not. 1. The seasonal formula was a good idea in theory, but it’s been getting stale over the last several months. 2. Bungie needs to think of ways to keep things fresh enough to keep the majority of the player base happy. 3. Drip-fed story is… fine, I guess, but I know this is a touchy subject. Personally. I’d rather have drip-fed story than have it all in one fell swoop. The reason for this is because I have something to look forward to on reset day. And I feel like it makes the story feel more [i]alive[/i]. Realistically, a lot of the “story” doesn’t always happen in one go. It feels more alive this way. 4. The story [b]needs[/b] to be better to keep people interested and invested. Season of Plunder was [b]frustratingly[/b] dismal, and I know Bungie can do better. 5. The content fatigue is real. My husband and I are avid players, but decided to take a break from Festival of the Lost, simply because we just can’t be bothered. I literally do not care about the weapons, or armor, or any of it. 6. These past few seasons have literally tested my patience. I had no more of it this season. I am so, so sick of grinding. I’m tired of chasing after weapons and armor that have a possibility of becoming inconsequential down the road. This is also the biggest problem I have with Destiny. Nerf this, buff that. Ffs.



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          • I stopped playing before the season started and have zero interest in any further expansions. The game has been stale for a long time and I found that even after taking a break last time I had no enthusiasm to pick it up again and stopped very quickly. Left my long term clan and very happy with my decision.



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            2 回复
            • I stopped playing seasons a long time ago - I’m currently replaying D1 instead! In my opinion, seasons are a continuous churn of low/average quality content with the grinding dialled up to the max. I expect more of the same from future seasons. I don’t see how it’s possible to keep pumping out content in this way (along with the yearly DLC) and keep the quality bar high. Normally I’d play PvP or Gambit, but they’ve been allowed to go stale. I’m waiting to see what the Comp/Glory revamp looks like. If the D1 Crucible player population was higher, I’d happily stay in D1. I much prefer it.



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              3 回复
              • [quote]Hey Guardians. I'm kinda worried by imagine spending another year with D2 following the same scheme of the Seasonal Model we've experienced so far... for other 4 Seasons? What I'm talking about is the scheme that brings us to: start the Season, get the Artifact to grind for Mods to use against Champions and make some Builds [i](also grind for Power for GM contents)[/i], complete the Seasonal Activity to step forward the story, wait an entire week to continue, meanwhile grind some new Currency to Upgrade the Seasonal *thing to upgrade* and Weapons/Armors, complete some Challanges to get EXP and Bright Dust, repeat. I've reached the point in which after 3-4 weeks I'm already tired ot this and basically PvE is kinda dead for me. I do just the bare minimum, collect e as good as festival of the lostthose 2-3 things that I'm interested into and I'm done =/ I was wondering if others feel the same way I do and what do you do meanwhile when you reach the point in which the Season becomes boring. This Season I went back in PvP after a Season of pause so I killed the time in this way, but I wonder if it will be enough also with Lightfall.[/quote] It’s supposed to be as good as festival of the lost



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              • Yeah I feel the same way. Bungie isn't a small studio and their player base should expect higher quality content. Even adding missions you can replay (not like season of the haunted where you're repeating the same short mission multiple times) a few high quality missions, a strike, a crucible map and seasonal gear would make it worth it IMO. And update the planets and vendors. This should be a no brainer



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                3 回复
                • [quote]What I'm talking about is the scheme that brings us to: start the Season, get the Artifact to grind for Mods to use against Champions and make some Builds (also grind for Power for GM contents), complete the Seasonal Activity to step forward the story, wait an entire week to continue, meanwhile grind some new Currency to Upgrade the Seasonal *thing to upgrade* and Weapons/Armors, complete some Challanges to get EXP and Bright Dust, repeat.[/quote] This is basically Destiny, and is what I enjoy about the game. However, like yourself, I am now getting bored with it, but for different reasons. Mainly, recycling. You grind for a god roll weapon, it is removed from the loot pool, then it comes back with new perks and traits, so you're expected to go through all that again for the same weapon. Same with raids. I burnt out doing VoG and Kings Fall, and they came back, great for new players, but not so exciting for vets. Same old crucible maps, with no real attempt to improve matchmaking, balancing, and the inability to block or perma ban cheats. In addition to the little things that drive you mad like how long it takes to look at and make changes in your character screen, getting kicked out of menu when you hit a destination, bounties that say complete three strikes and you have to do four, bugs, glitches, stuff that's obviously not properly tested.....the list seems endless. I would be more than happy to buy a new season, with a new raid, a few new crucible maps, a few new strikes, with new weapons and armour, every 18 months or so without any faults. At least we could play through it at a relaxed pace, and have more chance to complete it, without having armour or weapons disabled cos they're doing something they shouldn't be doing, or sandbox changes every week. There's too much to do I feel. I used to complete everything each week on 3 characters. Now I can't manage one. Too many bounties for too many areas for very little rewards. The best gear is locked behind raids, gms and trials, so solo players are at a disadvantage. I've always believed quality is better than quantity, and with the new gismos promised in the new launch, like spiderman webs, I think this season will be my last. Cramming more unnecessary stuff into Destiny doesn't work. Stasis was just the start. Stick to the basics that got us all hooked in D1, but give us brand new scenarios to use those basics in.



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                • 由Mark, Scholar of Stars编辑: 10/19/2022 8:05:20 AM
                  [quote]Hey Guardians. I'm kinda worried by imagine spending another year with D2 following the same scheme of the Seasonal Model we've experienced so far... for other 4 Seasons?[/quote] Sure, this is Bungie, anything has a cycle and almost anything is recycled. [quote]I was wondering if others feel the same way I do and what do you do meanwhile when you reach the point in which the Season becomes boring. This Season I went back in PvP after a Season of pause so I killed the time in this way, but I wonder if it will be enough also with Lightfall.[/quote] I'm not engaging in this game anymore, it's too much of repetition, it's getting boring very soon. And I doubt that Lightfall will be different, because Bungie is successful with this concept. But just to be fair, there's titles, raids, dungeons, exotic stories and even more... maybe this is something for you, and if not there's hundreds of other video games too. - Or you wanna spend your time with family, friends, nature, books, movies and music. There's a lot.



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                  2 回复
                  • i always wait until the last month of the season and then play the whole story in one go.



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                  • [quote] What I'm talking about? Get the Artifact to grind for Mods to use against Champions and make some Builds [i](also grind for Power for GM contents)[/i], complete the Seasonal Activity to step forward the story, wait an entire week to continue, meanwhile grind some new Currency to Upgrade the Seasonal *thing to upgrade* and Weapons/Armors, complete some Challanges to get EXP and Bright Dust, repeat. ... but I wonder if it will be enough also with Lightfall.[/quote] Nope. You just made me want to quit destiny with one post.



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                  • It sure as hell better. This game was dull without the seasonal model.



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                    5 回复
                    • It certainly does neeed a rework. It’s getting dry as f



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                    • I pre-ordered light fall Bungie can't even get second yr event right I'm gonna get refund and break the dull boring same thing just changed a little for last 4yrs ....yadayad bs



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