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9/12/2022 8:38:58 PM

Bug reports - Fallen S.A.B.E.R strike and Prophecy dungeon

2 quick bugs, no clue what caused them, but just putting them here in case they aren't known :), not major gamebreaking stuff but annoying things. Fallen S.A.B.E.R - after transmatting warsat and entering the bunker, in the first room with the overloads etc., if you back up into the entrance corridor it is possible to get stuck on the railing at the side with no way to exit. You are unable to cast rift as well. Not sure how to recreate this, don't have time to experiment, but this has happened to me for the first time today. Prophecy dungeon - After reaching the first fight and wiping a few times and then logging off, logging back on the following day loaded me into the second boss room, with no way to start the fight. Again, no clue why, just did. I've never heard of either of these issues before. If it helps, I was running both pieces of content solo.



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