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6/26/2022 7:03:26 PM

Fallen Overload Captains instant healing

Was attempting to solo K1 Crew Quarters Lost Sector today and the Overload Fallen Captains were consistently instant healing after they unstaggered. The visual lighting effects that note the stagger cooldown would go on for a few seconds as usual, but the Captain would heal to near full health in that time. Then you add needing a number of auto rifle or submachine gun rounds to even proc stagger again once the lighting effects went away, and they were back to full health every time. This happened whether I continued shooting with stagger weapon or not. Even had some go from 10% health and recover to full during the stagger cool down. My understanding is that the overload champions are not supposed to begin regeneration until after the stagger cool down wears off, meaning this must be broken, or my understanding from the last 3 years of D2 is incorrect.
#Help #gameplay



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