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由--KNIGHT--编辑: 4/12/2022 6:32:34 AM

Bad Juju, Lumina, Outbreak Perfected

When are the ornaments for these guns going to get put into the archive? Lumina was buffed this season to have extra range making it a pretty good contender in PvP. Outbreak is or has been used for boss fights for raids like VotD. Bad Juju is now really good with the damage buff it received and you can fire non-stop with it. Its not like these guns are being barely used so why have their respective ornaments not been put into the archive?(Outbreak has some ornaments available already but that's only half of them) I just want my Lumina to look cooler [spoiler]one other ornament that hasn't returned is Thorn's wishes of sorrow, but that one's quite gatekept[/spoiler]



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