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3/9/2022 5:39:27 AM

Missing Flicker Dance emote from Season of the lost silver bundle purchase

I purchased the season of the lost silver bundle around feb 18. I received the silver and have used it, but did not get the Flicker Dance emote that was supposed to come with it (which was the main reason I bought it vs other packs). It does not show in my steam DLC, only the expansions do. I can provide all the transaction info for the silver bundle pack. - I checked with Rahool and it did not show up there. I never got any sort of in-game acknowledgement and since I've only been playing for about 3 weeks I have no idea if you get in-game notices for this kind of thing. - Restarted destiny and steam. - Restarted computer. No change. - Checked the one other character I had at the time and it was not there. - It was not in my inventory screen. - It isn't in the claim section on the bungie site in My Account. - I didn't receive it from the eververse lady either. Strangely, my emotes icon in the customization screen (with the emblem, ship and sparrow selection, go to character armor customization etc) flashes the way things flash when you haven't moused over them, like something is there but the UI is borked. Only when I go in the emote selection window, it is not there on any character. I have two quests that I can't complete so is my account just bugged? I have submitted two tickets. The first gave wrong info about the wrong silver bundle, and it said to reply, so when I did, I just got a canned message about bright dust refunds and the ticket was closed. This had nothing to do with bright dust. It said I could submit another ticket so I did, and that one was closed immediately telling me to check for things that I mentioned in the ticket, and above.



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