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3/3/2022 6:30:38 PM

VFX NEED FIXED SOON (Xbox One, Sniper Glares not showing up and other effects glitched, PLATFORM DISADVANTAGE IN CRUCIBLE)

This is for Xbox One. A friend on Steam confirmed that they do not have this issue on their platform and all of the reports I've seen on "no sniper glare" on these forums so far have been posted by Xbox players, so I don't know if PlayStation is even having these issues. The Crucible is sweaty enough with this crazy matchmaking and 6-stacks everywhere. The last thing that I need is getting sniped by someone that blends in the background and he doesn't have a sniper glare to begin with. It makes it looks like I'm getting no-scoped all the time. And it seems like [u]all[/u] special weapons are experiencing the same issue on this platform. With this being Crossplay, this puts at least Xbox One players at a [b][u]Crucible disadvantage.[/u][/b] It's going to make something like Trials of Osiris very annoying when it comes around. Can't tell if someone is laning an area with a sniper and poking out to check is almost suicide. There are also issues with other VFX like Timeline's Vertex using a void charge effect instead of solar, which means there could be even more and potentially-worse VFX bugs in other parts of the game. I posted about this before but got no response. This needs fixed ASAP.



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