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由Dmitri编辑: 2/13/2022 1:46:33 PM

Can't access trials with Witch Queen Pre-Order

Hello, Today I de-activated cross save so I can access my xbox characters on Destiny 2 on Windows. I had already purchased Beyond Light on Xbox, but it's showing I never purchased it? Thought Xbox and Windows were same platform, but that's not really my problem because I was going to purchase WQ anyway. So I buy WQ Deluxe + 30th Anniversary, figuring that would give me access to Trials. Can't access dungeon or trials, so I reboot the game. Now I can access dungeon, but still not trials. Doesn't the pre-order overwrite the need for BL? Or wouldn't my purchasing the Deluxe Edition BL on Xbox transfer to windows store still?



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  • 由EckyThump编辑: 2/13/2022 1:57:24 PM
    Hey there. Destiny 2 is not a 'Play Anywhere' title so that's why Beyond Light wasn't showing on the Microsoft PC Windows Store version. Only Play Anywhere titles are playable on both, from a single purchase. Witch Queen will be required to play Trials during Y5, which starts on the 22nd of Feb. Until then. Beyond Light is required. So no, a Witch Queen preorder doesn't entitle you to Trials access in what remains of Year 4.



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