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10/26/2021 5:35:30 AM

My first experience with trials solo

Ive gone flawless before in the past so i have some general sense of trials or at least before this season of buffs/nerfs... So i attempted solo flawless for the first time today hopeing that the sweats would be gone for the weekend and i can try again for my first flawless this season. Most wins I got were 5 flawless wins before a teamate quit/anteatered out and it was a 2v3 and there was no way in hell of a victory. Tried again, got 4 wins and a flawed card, tried again and got 2 wins and a flawed card. So i decided to post this and give my thoughts...IMO, I don't like it at all. Trials is meant to be the true endgame of pvp where players use their skill, communication, and teamwork to achieve a flawless victory and go to a place where only the elite go. Not a game mode in which any random player can go in and be carried or be a rock that drags down someone else on a flawless streak. I fear that Comp, gambit, and iron banner have diluted the mindset enough of competitive play that this solo que thing can happen and i dont like it, simple as that



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