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10/20/2021 6:02:24 AM

Taken King Meta In D2

Bungie. I've been playing Destiny for a very, VERY long time. And I don't think I've ever been more tired of the game, than I am right now, Back in the day, in D1, sure, you were at a disadvantage when you used something apart from the meta, But you were still able to play with any gun you wanted, and still, could have a good pvp game, But right now, In d2. The meta, is so absolutely written in stone, that if you even dare, take out something that isn't the meta, You will lose all of your stats, within an hour. Bungie, We shouldn't be punished, in PVP for thinking outside of the box, Some guardians just want to have fun like we used to back in the day, the only thing I ever see, in crucible. Fractethyst, felwinters, thorn, palindrome. Messenger, DMT, Shayura's, ect ect.. It's not the issue that I don't have them, I very much DO infact have them, good rolls too. But it's such a boring playstyle. Do we really have to be a 4.0 KD twitch streamer in order to have fun in pvp these days? Nothing any of us can do will bring back D1, and to be honest? Bungie? We play destiny 2 to play D2. NOT D1. Stop adding weapons we have already had, And for the love of god, please stop making them OP. If you guys keep doing that, You might as well just remake D1, And put it on pc. Atleast then you'd have a good base platform for a game. How many times are you gonna see posts like these, or rants from youtubers and streamers about feeling the game is dying, or you guys just aren't trying with weapon models, or gamemodes. Personally? The game is fine. The only thing I'm tired of, is feeling like I'm constantly reliving D1. I bought this game, and participated in the Beta, for a new experience, Not an old one. Also, Bring back exile armor. Cause I want. lol



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