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9/29/2021 6:18:02 PM

To: New Destiny 2 Players Wanting to Try The Master Raid Experience

Yo Blueberries! (Blueberries is a fun term to describe a brand new player. Don't ask me why.) If you're going in for the first time to experience the Master version of raids, take some time to do some research on the different encounters and the loadouts that are currently viable this season. Each season poses a new 'Meta' that is usually defined by mods included in the artifact for that season. This season Linear and normal Fusion Rifles, are meta for dealing tons of damage to champions and bosses. Take some time to look up builds that buff (increases) your player hero's resistance, damage. Also, look into healing builds if you're a warlock so you can provide support to the rest of your fireteam.



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