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8/28/2021 3:40:42 PM

Shifting metas and buffs/nerfs are not a good thing

Hello fellow guardians, With another broken exotic just dropping and already being locked due to people exploiting it, it is time to really talk about the entire loot system and particularly the way Bungie has controlled weapon and armor metas over the years. In past TWAB's they have mentioned that they want us to be able to pick our favorite armors and weapons and play the game how we want, yet so many decisions make this impossible or completely impractical. Certain perks in the artifact push you to a very select loadout if you want any chance in completing content with champions. Last season made grenade launchers very powerful with breach and clear combined with a perk that allowed them to stop champions. This season is very obviously pushing us towards swords, bows and fusion rifles. So if we are really meant to play this game 'how we want' then why are we constantly pushed towards very select loadouts? It seems to me like this is just another way to push people to use weapons they most likely don't want to use. And when it comes to broken exotics, this process of releasing a new broken exotic to create hype just to nerf it after a bunch of people get it is very obviously on purpose and it is getting really old. This system of nerfing exotics has left them all feeling very less than exotic. When I see the various content creators making videos about the next broken exotic that I NEED to log in to get is just annoying at this point and you can bet it is going to get nerfed shortly thereafter. This all seems very calculated on the part of Bungie and the only reason it seems to happen is to create FOMO and reasons for people to log in that don't involve developing new engaging content. Fans of the RPG genre want to feel powerful, they want to be rewarded for their time, and they don't like when these rewards are taken away for no good reason! There is no good reason that every exotic shouldn't be just as powerful as it was at its most powerful in PvE content. The excuse that it effects PvP content should be totally moot. If weapons are too powerful for PvP, they should just be locked out of it, plain and simple. Nothing should be too powerful for PvE content unless we are talking contest mode in a raid or the harder nightfall strike modes. Otherwise, why would a guardian feeling powerful hurt any PvE content? Shouldn't we have a choice how hard or easy our content is?



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