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8/2/2021 2:41:46 PM

Pvp Weapon Sandbox feels really good

Topic isnt trollbait or ironic in any way. Honest feedback after a few weekends in the new sandbox Theres a lot of ongoing discussion about the staleness of PvP at the moment which mostly comes down to there needing to be some new maps and increased reward incentive for extended play. But what doesnt feel like it needs a too much more work is Weapon Balancing. The sandbox after the Stasis and Shotgun nerfs feels very fresh, and over the course of a few weeks I have noticed a pretty strong diversity among all things ive been killed by - and that includes the cheesy stuff. This mostly applies to everything except trials and Legend Comp, where a meta of some form has ALWAYS been established, but even there I've seen teams on the earlier wins in the card experimenting with new weapons and builds. Control and other Valor playlists on the other hand are refreshingly devoid of stacks of felwinters and stasis. Shotguns are still prevalent, and probably always will be, but I feel less punished for just walking past a doorway and are now winning reasonable shotgun chicken games with my primary where weeks ago I'd be mapped. #somuchtalent. Ive been vooped by fusions, plinked by sidearms, mowed down by chroma rush, had my face torn off by Uzume, dueled with hand cannons, and memed on by Bastion. Its felt good. Hell, Ive gotten to put my Igneous down and play with Multimach, Gridskipper, Palindrome, Loud Lullaby, and Messenger and felt extremely rewarded in each swap. Probably the best feeling is now winning the range fight with Slug Shotties vs. Astral / Riiswalker like they always should have been doing. So the feedback is simply: Dont mess with this too much more right now. Maybe target 450 autos and 180 HC, which still feel underpowered compared to anything in that range bracket, in the next pass. And also....Bastion. Which, admittedly, has its place bunker-busting Behemoth titans but is still frustrating as all hell everywhere else. I have seperate thoughts on subclasses but I'm not qualified to talk on that cuz me likey Icarus Dash. Weapons tho - doing really well. Been fun, felt great, make new maps cuz I'm sick of fighting on Convergence that map SUCKS.



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