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1/21/2021 9:24:35 AM

"Not letting me select character on Find Fireteam" issue workaround

(This is an edit of a reply I made to a post having the same problem) The bug started when I got the triumph seal for DSC, (I'm not sure if this has a correlation but it happened immediately after I got it). A pattern I'm noticing for the bug is (from what I've seen) affecting people that have crossplay on (including myself). I've seen PSN, XBL, and Stadia players have the same issue. The error code it has been giving me, (and from what I can tell others), is [quote]Unable to parse your parameters. Please correct them, and try again. [/quote][b]**I'm still able to use the mobile app to search for fireteams**[/b]. I am able to then go back to the website companion and click on "My Fireteams" in the "Find Fireteam" tab. I found this with some other people whom used iOS, while I use Android. From what I can tell, both operating systems work. This is not a fix, but a temporary workaround until Bungie fixes it. Hope this helps some people. For a more descriptive step by step for the workaround: 1. Join a fireteam on the mobile companion app (iOS or Android). 2. Go back to the website companion and refresh your page. 3. Click on, (if you haven't already), Community > Find Fireteam > My Fireteams 4. From there, you should be able to see the steam IDs of the members, from which you are able join by typing "/join (their ID)". (Unless their fireteam privacy prohibits it OR you're on console) This is a workaround I found on [b]Steam[/b]. Let it be noted that Bungie is already aware of this issue and hopefully working on a fix as a type this up. (Hopefully they fix that Warden triumph bug for you guys as well). Post with the moderator/mentor reply: [url][/url]



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