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12/8/2020 11:37:28 AM

Hunter Armor Mod Bug, Unintended Stat penalty

Alright, so in the attached video, my hunter (all wild hunt armor). and there is a mod combo that had an unintended stat penalty. Momentum Transfer, (3 energy ARK mod), and Radiant Light (3 ARK mod) Should give you a +20 point to strength, with no drawbacks (bonus arc combo) instead it Penalizes you by 20 points while showing you that you will gain 20. Its hard to somewhat explain that its a bug, but if you look at the video and follow my mouse, you should see this happen too. A character should perfectly hit 100([b]YOU NEED 80 OF A STAT, WITH MODS BEFORE YOU CAN REPRODUCE THIS[/b], but you can reproduce it, I can conform that its possible on the 3 character archetypes), but alas does not. Let me know if you have any questions as to my setup, or any more info. Thanks! P.S. The same thing happens on any armor mod that can hold those combos on this armor (Chest, Gauntlets etc...) PPSS This can be reproduced with random armor to hit these stats, and on any class, so its not class specific ('Made a post about this a while ago, but it was vanquished, and now this one is posted in the proper place, and with the right info)



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