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9/23/2020 4:44:41 PM

What's the highest stat number you ever got on one piece of armor?

Until now, the highest stats I ever got on one piece of armor was 68 on a Soltice Armor chest piece for my warlock (with the stats distributed exactly how I like them - so nice). But recently in the nightfall with double rewards I had an Exotic chest piece, Chromatic Fire, drop with 70 in total. Amazing. Too bad I will never use it though. First I don't like that Exotic, and second, the main stats were in Resilience (22) and Strength (20), which are not where I want the heaviest stats to be on my Warlock. But that's beside the point. I just didn't think it was possible to get to 70 in stats on any armor. I've played Destiny 1 and 2 a lot, so I was surprised to see such a roll. First 70+ one ever for me. Now I'm curious to see what other people have found and whether it turned out to be useful. Thanks.



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