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9/4/2020 9:46:20 PM

A Weapon of Hope quest step retroactively unchecked

I'm trying to get Lumina and complete the A Weapon of Hope quest line. I killed an invader in gambit before they killed anybody and checked that it counted - it did. The step in the quest log was checked and green and I got a triumph for it. I don't have a screenshot of this and I don't remember the name of the triumph because I didn't exactly think to check when I saw that it had counted and that that part of the quest was done, so I just checked the triumph and moved on. But now, a few minutes later, the "Invasions Denied" step is blank again, as if I had never completed it. I don't know what to do about this. All I can say is that I hate gambit and I don't want to work on getting this quest step again, so I'm wondering if anyone's had this issue or knows how to fix it.



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