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由TheGoldenacher编辑: 9/1/2020 11:09:30 PM

Exotic Quest Help

So the other night I was grinding Gambit Prime for the solstice of heroes armor and luckily manage to kill three guardians in one game, something I needed in order to complete the [u]Weapon of Hope[/u]. Now I know I killed two of them before they killed someone else, and yet the quest did not count it. But the problem doesn't end there, another game later I did it again got two kills with the rose equipt in case that was the problem but again nothing. It did not count. Does anyone know why, do I need a fireteam, does it need to be Gambit rather than prime because I'm at a loss and feeling a bit ripped off seeing how I had a total of 5 kills, 3 of which I know were killed before they killed someone else. I am also facing the same issue with the[u] A Giant's Might[/u] and [u]Butterfly's Grace[/u] quests, for some reason no matter what I forage at any forge the quest steps for legendary frames will not move past 1/10. I think the quest is still bugged but not sure. (and just in case this may be the issue yes I have both quests at the same time on the same guardian)



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