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8/4/2020 8:18:20 PM

Bungie please.

Hello Bungie and any an all concerned, I am asking for you to please start releasing more specifics on how the vaulting is going to effect existing content. Yes we all know how vaulting works. But what we don't know is all the other things that rely on those planets/equipment that are going away. The answers don't even have to be super specific/detailed but at least a heads up of what is in the works or how it will work. Questions are below, thanks. 1. Planetary Resources - what should we do with them, use them, store them? What are your plans for them if any? 2. Exotic Quests/Weapons - those that are attached to special quests on planets that are vaulting. How will new players get those weapons/catalysts? Do you have plans for this issue? 3. Raids Gear/Exotics - for raids that are going (all but 2 will be left) where will new players go to earn those rewards/gear/weapons? What are your plans for this content? 4. Transmog - the word was used and used as a selling point. When is it coming? Next season? How will it work, do we need to have it in our collection or on us to use the transmog? 5. Story and Campaign - with the removal of planets a majority of story and campaign will be gone. How will new players experience the story? They just never experience the Red War? Please feel free to add more below Guardians, these are the questions that should be answered in each TWAB from here to November.



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