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2/29/2020 2:09:39 PM

TRIALS.... What it MUST have to be good and not «half baked»

Please bungie. Listen to your community again. It was great for the artifact light level disable so do it again. Aztecross Gaming just posted a video and i could not agree more with everything he said. And i KNOW, from my own experience, that its the opinion of MANY pvp players. I will resume the points for you but highly suggest to go see the video for yourself. Thing that trials NEED to be totally «baked»: 1- Good anti-cheat For DDOSers, Hackers and Win traders. 2- Flawless rewards Not just ornements. We love them but we need more. We want those ADEPT weapons, maybe one 60+ total stats armor for every character that went flawless per week for outside of pvp. Something to keep us grinding every week with every character. At least once per character per week. We are not talking about farming loot here. 3- Boons We need those again. We could pass on the Favor of Osiris and Boon of Osiris if really needed. But we absolutely need an equivalent to the Mercy of Osiris. Thats for all the BS that can append in trials. ex: Cheaters, DDOS, getting kicked back to orbit for no apparent reasons, xbox freezing and turning off or for that one time when you face the absolute GODS of pvp and your like «Wtf are we supposed to do against that». At least 1 mercy per card like good old days. 4- No Locked Loadouts We love when we can switch weapons to adapt to the enemy. Dont take this from of us. What could result from locked loadouts is every one running the same exact GOD TIER loadouts. No more «fun» loadouts for thoses «memes» games. No more experimenting in trials. If you try out something and turns out it sucks, you are stuck with it for the entire match. Its just gonna kill the enjoyment of trials is everyone is running the same loadouts over and over. 5- End Game Caliber Rewards similar to 980 Nightfalls Unlike the #2, here we are not talking about flawless card. We are talking about those times you get your card to 7-8 wins and 1 lost. You should get shards, cores, prisms according to your card. We (pvp players) want to be able to farm Trials cards to get good amount of materials. And lets be honest, going 7-1, 8-1 or even 9-1 is way harder AND longer than doing some 15 mins Nightfalls. Also, if you get to 8-1, you dont have the feeling that you wasted your time. At least you got reasonable amount of materials for your time investment. And lets say you are at 8-1 and 9 wins is the max. We want to have a reason to go get that 9th win instead of resetting the card AT EVERY CARD. So maybe like an exotic armor drop when reaching 9 wins no matter your lost count. 6- Artifact/Seasons Mods Disabled For that point, I pleases you to go watch the linked video at 6:21. Thats all for the main points of the video but i want to add my personal touch: 7- Lighthouse exclusivity Keep the lighthouse exclusively for flawless card. Keep the mystery, the prestige of going to lighthouse for flawless runs. It makes it SO MUCH BETTER when you go flawless for the first time. Thank you for reading it all. Let me know your opinion in the comments.



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