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9/14/2019 12:37:59 PM

Query on server regions regarding the move to steam

So its a small question, but one that's kind of important for me at least (and I imagine some other people too) that I've not seen any answer to yet. Currrenly on you can switch which server region you want to load the game on, which is great if you have friends in different regions (I play on American servers with Americans and Australians, whilst playing on Europe when on my own). Will the ability to play on different regions with people still be available when the move to steam takes place, or will we be confined to the region we resign in?



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  • Steam doesn't separate players by region like does. So, it will only prompt you to pick a region if Bungie decides to implement it, but as it doesn't do that on the other platforms like PSN and Xbox, i believe you will be able to play with everybody just fine, no region switching.



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