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8/18/2017 2:12:04 PM

What should I expect at the Destiny 2 midnight launch?

I have been out of the States for quite some time and will be going to visit my girlfriend in Cali at the beginning of September. I bought her Destiny a few months ago and we have a lot of fun the times we can play together (though she's [i]still[/i] learning the ropes lol). As luck would have it, I will be in the States for the release of Destiny 2. I will be attending the midnight launch at Gamestop - a ritual I will be experiencing for the first time. Naturally, I want my lady to go with me, but quite honestly I don't know what to expect going to a Gamestop midnight launch as this is new territory. Will it be cringefest of chanting neckbeards, pulling on the locked Gamestop doors like overly eager black friday shoppers? Will it be a small crowd of pretty normal, chill people? Or will it be all of the above? I know the situation likely varies, but I would like to have some sort of general expectation. [b]TL;DR - What kind of experiences have you had going to a hyped midnight release?[/b]



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