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由Xenomorph编辑: 8/11/2016 12:55:27 PM

I just don't know where to start Bungie

So guys, this is more for me than anything else, because honestly... I'm at a loss. I just don't get how for the last 20 crucible games straight I've experienced the following: 1) I've always either ended up on the team that is a man down right from the start, and never gets another person to even up the numbers for the entire match. 2) I'm on a team with equal numbers to other team and we're winning, but then we lose one, and they're never replaced causing a loss. 3) I get matchmade onto the losing side and get mercy ruled before even touching down, only to have those teams broken up, and essentially, the same thing happens. There are way more scenarios, but honestly, I can't be fu@%ed spelling them all out for you to just not take any notice. I mean, check my last 15 or so games on my Lock... It's just a joke, and I honestly have no idea how or why this keeps happening. Sure, SBMM is aids. I possibly need to Git Gud etc... But I'm just feeling totally defeated by the matchmaking. Am I the only one? Where are you Cozmo? Anybody from Bungie... Ah f@%k it... Who am I kidding



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