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6/20/2016 10:13:03 PM

Need help on going flawless raider

Sooo i've been doing solo runs of crota's end for quite awhile now it came to the point where i can't tolerate playing with others(unless i'am carrying them) i just found it more relaxing and easier when i'm alone Anyway my best time is 18 minutes with 2-3 death i think.. I haven't done flawless raider but i think if i went flawless i can sub 15 min, the thing is though i always mess up on the wizard part, any tips on staying alive on that part please?



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  • [quote]Sooo i've been doing solo runs of crota's end for quite awhile now it came to the point where i can't tolerate playing with others(unless i'am carrying them) i just found it more relaxing and easier when i'm alone Anyway my best time is 18 minutes with 2-3 death i think.. I haven't done flawless raider but i think if i went flawless i can sub 15 min, the thing is though i always mess up on the wizard part, any tips on staying alive on that part please?[/quote] normal or hard? Cause I have a good strategy for normal that's really easy



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