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5/27/2016 8:02:58 PM

Capture the flag game mode

I was thinking that we really need a capture the flag... We have all these awesome jumps and glides and can't use them in fun ways. Imagine a flag is high up at the top of an abandoned tower. The traveler's power is in flux trying to fix things moving the building around making it harder for people to get to the flag. It's a race to get to the flag. Stop the other team. Being shot at by fallen and their ketch so you need to cover. Once you have the flag you can't shoot/ use abilities or even cloak from crouching just run. Once the team returns it to their camp the map resets and spawns are changed (not just 2 spawn points since its a big tower there could be 8 or 10) Each pathway has hurdles to get past so no one can just run and do it alone. Thoughts??



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