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由Drake编辑: 10/9/2015 6:56:24 PM

SO now that alot of other things have been addressed with this game..

When can we expect to get a proper theater mode for Destiny? I mean relying on the current gen consoles and their DVR services/apps isn't exactly opening the same doors as a proper full on replay/theater mode could provide. I know I am not the only one has had my gaming moments on Destiny that you can't really justify capturing from the immediate first person view we are restricted to sharing right now. I mean it doesn't entirely feel fair seeing your trailers for the game and wishing I could make my own cinematic clips and montages that reflect the same quality or similar style. I am sure many people have sen how creative the Halo community was with their theater mode and file sharing system. The crazy screenshots that could sometimes almost be mistaken for full blown art and such. Our submission gallery would be more open to the full community if we had a better in-game capture system for our special moments. I am just saying, this is the one thing I have been praying for since before the game came out- and have quietly sat back and wished for as other things were answered and implemented into the game. The Taken King is great, it is the first major example of what this game can be and deserves to be. I know that my request may seem overall unrelated to the game as it functions now- but it'd be a great new avenue to bring this community together and show off the game they love to others in a new way. So if you aren't too busy trying to work on the next DLC, figure out how to implement custom games, new dances and beards- please try looking into implementing a theater mode system. (Ps- I know you have been trying to stay away from Destiny being like Halo- but really sometimes you gotta stick with what works you know?)



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