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原先发布于:DoD Battleborn
由Greased_Scotsman编辑: 9/18/2015 4:12:00 PM

Slaying Court of Oryx Tier 3 (Week 1 of Destiny Year 2)

There's a good chance if you're running the Court that a blueberry may launch the Tier 3 encounter. I'm not sure if there are multiple Tier 3 encounters, but at least for this week, it seems to be a set fight. Perhaps it'll rotate weekly? Anyway, I completed this encounter last night and wanted to offer some tips. 0. Make sure you have the Court of Oryx quest since you'll knock out the Tier 3 objective by completing this encounter. And note that if you fail, you do NOT lose your summoning rune, so don't be shy about trying it a few times to learn the fight. A shielded Wizard, several Ogres and Taken Maleficent Eyes (the electro-eye-laser beam things) are your enemies. 1. TAKE COVER and SAVE YOUR SUPERS. You will get your shit pushed in if you're out in the open. 2. Ignore the Wizard. You cannot damage him until the Major, "Servile Ogre," dies. 3. Your primary target should be killing ONE of the Taken Maleficent Eyes. This will give you a buff called Ogre’s Fury. While this buff does stack up to 3 times, you are probably better off coordinating so that you spread it around so that each Guardian gets at least one stack. I believe 5 Eyes spawn. 4. Once you have the buff, kill the normal/little Ogres really quickly so they don't overrun you. You may want to have someone focused entirely on killing these things as doing so makes life much easier. 5. Melee the Taken Thrall whenever it comes by to harass you. Don't waste your bullets because you want max bullet-up-time on the Ogres, and spending a chunk of your Ogre's Fury buff waiting to reload is not efficient. 6. The instant that the Servile Ogre dies, RUSH the platform with the Wizard. Ignore everything else. Pop your Super and go FULL POTATO on the Wizard. Supers, rockets, everything. Burst everything. Titans, use Melting Point and punch that Wizard as soon as you're in range for increased group damage. You should be able to melt the Wizard and complete the encounter in one pop of his shield this way. Good hunting, Guardians!



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