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9/8/2015 12:15:29 PM

Mindless Rage is recruiting! (Xbox One.)

I'll try to keep this short and sweet. We are a group of guys that go by MR. Hilariously enough, we didn't notice that Mindless Rage was "Mister" for like an hour. The four creators sat down one day and thought "Aren't you guys sick of these elitist assholes on destiny that require pristine K/ds and have loot requirements just to play?" So we decided to make a small, tight nit community, focused on two things. Fun, and Gaming. Two things that seem to have drifted apart slowly. Why are you grinding that strike? For the loot? Nah lets all use no land beyond from the hip and have fun with it!!! We have been around since the launch of destiny and we only have 25 members. We are growing slowly but surely. I am not interested in buffing numbers here. I am interested in finding the people with the kindest hearts and the best sense of humor. The faint of heart need not apply. Most of us are college aged men or older. (we have three people over 30.) So the comedy can get roasty and dark. You will have jabs taken at you. It is all part of the fun. If you take these things to heart, you'll ruin the vibe for everyone, In an attempt to minimize "clan hoppers" or indecisive people, we have a gamertag change requirement. If you read everything previously, got to the name change and thought "thats dumb, im not doing that." You are PRECISELY the type I am to avoid by adding the name change requirement. We have a group chat on kik for LFG purposes within the clan, and we will be taking two fireteams into Kings Fall once it launches. My gamertag is MR Mishka IV. Im excited to see who turns up!



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