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原先发布于:The Midnight Jackals
7/1/2015 2:00:14 AM

First & Foremost;

[b]Hello, Guardians![/b] My name is Dany, and I game at night. It can be tough to find people to run raids, trials, or even Prison of Elders in the ungodly hours of the night. I'm sure some of you feel the same! Here are some basic guidelines that I expect you to follow, as part of this clan. [b]01)[/b] We are all guardians searching for other players; [u]Do not search or promote a game if you are not going to stick to it.[/u] No one wants to do half of a whole game. [b]02)[/b] I do not encourage posts of people requesting certain weapons. Play with what others have, or don't play at all. [b]03)[/b] Respect; Give it. Anyone who is aggressive will be out of the group. [b]04)[/b] Have fun hunting, guardians.



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