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3/11/2015 3:32:25 PM

Let me tell you about Amelia, Betty and Charlie

I recently saw a post where a guy said not to capture C, what means people still have doubts on what zones to get. I know my K/D sucks, therefor most of you will be like "shut up you don't have the right to speak" but whatever I still wanna put my two cents in Blind Watch: Betty and Charlie, forget about Amelia -Betty and Charlie are closer Firebase Delphi: Betty and Amelia are your best friends here, no one else. -They are closer, Plus, Amelia has the heavy right next to her. Shores of time: If you spawned at Amelia you gotta go for Charlie, but don't cap it yet. First you need to do a "Sniper clean up" and then proceed on campuring Charlie. In this map keep Charlie and Betty. -Closer and Convenient Rusted Lands: As always Betty, always beautiful, you need her. It is up to you if you want Amelia or Charlie. I prefer Amelia. -Amelia keeps her heavy closer than Charlie has his. Burning Shrine: Betty and Charlie are closer. But I'll go for Betty and Amelia. Amelia is under a nice sunset that can be used to your advantage. It's easier to shoot to the inside and than from the inside. The sunlight makes it difficult to shoot a target in the outside. At least for me. (Maybe my TV brightness is too high) -Optional Exodus Blue: Betty and Charlie. These two provide some kind of hallways. Snipers like hallways, and chances are you will get one in your team. Plus.. I believe you have more cover from Charlie than from Amelia. -Just avoid switching spowns back and forth... Your team will lose. Alylum and Anomaly are such small maps that it doesn't matter. -go for all lol



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