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Psykana Librarius

"Play nice, you have no rights. Well, you do, but what are rights if not socially binding concepts?"

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    This group is a hub area to collect various psychology related threads, such as research and study results or interesting blogs/pictures, though other academic discussion (sciences, politics, sociology, anthropology, etc) is allowed and encouraged. Also mini-essays and question posts may make an appearance from time to time. Anyone can join, but only a few can post public topics. Check your opinions for others at the door and keep things civil.

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впервые опубликовано в:Psykana Librarius
Изменено (Progo): 6/9/2014 10:00:53 PM

Psychology Hub Thread - Links to all other Threads.

Psychology Hub Thread In here you will find links to all of the studies, articles, discussion topics and PSA posts. Don't be shy about commenting on old threads. ***Hub thread is undergoing updates*** [quote][b][u]Depression Series[/b][/u] [url=]Part one - Stories of the flood[/url] Part two - In progress (Depression mythbusting)[/quote] [quote][b][u]Mental Health[/b][/u] [url=]Culture Specific Psychological Disorders[/url] [url=]Using Video Games to beat Depression[/url] [url=]Study into Suicide notes in Children and Young Teens[/url] [url=]Broken Homes, Broken Kids[/url] [url=]The Romanticisation of Suicide[/url] [url=]Psychopathy and the Empathy Switch[/url] [url=]Mental Health help needed in schools - BBC[/url] [url=]Why do you think Autism rates are increasing?[/url] [/quote] [quote][b][u]Miscellaneous[/b][/u] [url=]How has gaming helped you?[/url] [url=]Trust me, I'm a cop. Now go drug that lady's drink.[/url] [url=]Describe the smell of Coffee, Lemons and Bread[/url] [url=]Aggression from video games 'linked to incompetence' -BBC[/url] [url=]Terrorist Rehabilitation School in Pakistan - VICE[/url] [/quote] As a side note, if anyone has any good information on the topics listed above, maybe you have studied it or have dealt with those issues yourself I would be incredibly grateful for your input.

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