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Psykana Librarius

"Play nice, you have no rights. Well, you do, but what are rights if not socially binding concepts?"

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    This group is a hub area to collect various psychology related threads, such as research and study results or interesting blogs/pictures, though other academic discussion (sciences, politics, sociology, anthropology, etc) is allowed and encouraged. Also mini-essays and question posts may make an appearance from time to time. Anyone can join, but only a few can post public topics. Check your opinions for others at the door and keep things civil.

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впервые опубликовано в:Psykana Librarius
Изменено (Progo): 10/31/2014 1:41:41 AM

Describe how gaming has helped you in life

I have benefited


I have not benefited


It made things worse


since psychologists have been taking a great interest the benefits of gaming, I figured I'd create a thread to learn more from the source, AKA you guys. :) In what ways has your lifestyle benefited from gaming? As for myself: .1 An easy way to occupy my insane imagination and desire to learn new things. Nothing beats the excitement of exploring an open world coupled with the danger of monsters and wizards. .2 An simple way to reward myself for completing something important in life. If I am going through a big math or writing crunch I remind myself that this hard work will result in a Sunday of pure, unrefined gaming. .3 When I was younger it provided a quick escape from the angst all teens go through. Having a bad day? Knock some skulls in Halo and forget about your worries! Parents arguing? Turn on Skyrim and plug in the headphones. Undesirable relatives in the house? Make a hasty retreat to your bedroom with a laptop running Minecraft! .4 Making new friends. If I meet someone who is a gamer I can instantly bond with them, I am of the opinion that gamers are actually one big hive mind, despite the flame wars.

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