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Guardians of Legend

"It shall awaken...and we shall return to glory!"

Запрос на вступление
  • Основные цели

    Guardians of Legend is a clan purposed for very active users. While having a great time is the central focus, we want to bring players together who plan to play Destiny often. Its not about numbers. Lets build relationships that reach beyond the Traveler and experience all that is Destiny together! Be sure to check out our [url=]Guidelines [/url]before requesting to join.

  • Участие

    150 Участники
    Общее количество пользователей, вступивших в эту группу
    10 Стаж группы
    Срок активности этой группы (в годах)
  • Администраторы

  • Отмечено

впервые опубликовано в:Guardians of Legend
8/28/2014 11:27:05 PM

I dont want a huge clan.



Game with the buddies!


People suck...i hate you all...


Guardians While having a ton of people available to take on the Darkness sounds awesome, i would rather clan with 20 people i consider to be friends than 100 people i dont know. Dont get me wrong, i would be fine with 100 clanmates...if i knew them all. While i allow pretty much anyone to join Guardians of Legend at this point, come launch things will be looked at differently. What do you all think? Do you want an army to play with, or a group of buddies? let me know -TJ Densetsu ni naru Become Legend

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