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12/12/2015 11:06:25 PM


I am getting back a response after request go out: "ErrorCode":51,"ThrottleSeconds":0,"ErrorStatus":"PerEndpointRequestThrottleExceeded","Message":"Too many platform requests per second.","MessageData":{}} url:Manifest/InventoryItem/2990972208/ That's fine, but no amount of throttling seems to recover. I can hold all transfers for multiple seconds and then re-issue, and I get back the 51 throttling response again.

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  • Greetings! If you're getting this error, that means that there is something in your code somewhere that ends up making more than one request within our throttling window. Double-check your code - for example in your holding all transfers situation, once you're done holding it do you continue to send requests as fast as possible? Our throttling requires you to provide a gap of time between each individual request, and if you get this message it means that - either intentionally or not - you're attempting to perform two requests of the same type within our throttling window. If - theoretically - the operation you're performing is an item transfer, you would have to wait a whole second between getting the response for the last request and initiating the call for the new request.

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