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12/15/2015 7:39:14 PM

Occasional failure (1623) when trying to transfer from the Vault

Occasionally, I'll get back the response error "1623: DestinyItemNotFound: The item requested was not found" when trying to transfer items from the vault to a character. Other transfer requests from the vault once I have found this seem to fail with the same error as well. If I wait a number of minutes and try again, then evertyhing goes back to functional. I've also noticed that while in this state, I can transfer an item from another character to the vault and transfer that item back to a different character. It's only the items that have been sitting in the vault for some time. I've seen this in the game as well, where I've deposited something in the vault or done a transfer, but I can't query that update from the Bungie API servers for a few minutes. Is the error state when the two are out of sync in some way, and if so is there a way to invoke a sync? This is a relatively new phenomenon, something that started sometime after TTK dropped. Before then vault transfers were always rock solid

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