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"Updates, discussions, and documentation of the BungieNetPlatform API."

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Изменено (Commander-Ishtar): 12/12/2015 6:16:13 PM

Could perk descriptions with keypresses include a special character where the key should be?

Within Destiny items such as Swords have perk descriptions that say things like 'Use L2 to guard'. With L2 being the relevant key on the Xbox controller for Xbox players. However the descriptions in the API just have an empty space so you end up displaying nonsensical descriptions such as 'Use to guard'. Could you insert some special characters our apps can parse for in place of the key presses? Then we could parse for these, add some space and then put in the relevant key graphic. We know form the user logging in if they are on Xbox or OSN. So can even show the right key.

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