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"Updates, discussions, and documentation of the BungieNetPlatform API."

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впервые опубликовано в:BungieNetPlatform
12/2/2015 1:00:42 AM

OAuth2 access for the API?

I've seen a few posts of people asking for OAuth2 access to the API. I'd like to 2nd, 3rd or even 4th the request, but I can't come up with a seamless implementation. Bungie uses OAuth against PSN and XBL, but doesn't provide its own form of authentication. Is the following flow possible or is it just bananas: 1. Open 2. redirects to 3. presents provider auth links PSN/XBL 4. User signs in 5. PSN/XBL redirects back to for handshake 6. redirects back to This flow would require some new session management logic, but it seems like it can leverage all of the existing provider specific logic. I could be missing something, but I'd love to hear any feedback on the idea.

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