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"Updates, discussions, and documentation of the BungieNetPlatform API."

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Изменено (Ingulit): 11/17/2015 7:43:00 PM

Private vendor APIs no longer work, manifest is corrupt

None of the private vendor APIs work anymore. The summary is empty, and trying to get a vendor's stock returns: [quote]{"ErrorCode":1627,"ThrottleSeconds":0,"ErrorStatus":"DestinyVendorNotFound","Message":"The Vendor you requested was not found.","MessageData":{}}[/quote] Is this temporary or indicative of a massive (and rather sudden) change? EDIT: I'm also getting an error with the latest manifest being corrupt: [quote]android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException: malformed database schema ({"locationHash":2626669797,"locationReleases":[{"destinationHash":4072959335,"activityHash":0,"directorBookHash":499756083,"activityGraphHash":499756083,"activityGraphNodeHash":0}],"hash":0,"index":0})[/quote]

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