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впервые опубликовано в:BungieNetPlatform
4/12/2017 1:43:08 AM

Redirection issues in Alexa web view during authorization.

Hi everyone, I was hoping someone might be able to help me with an issue I am seeing with redirections not working when attempting to authorize a user through the web view provided in the Alexa companion app for iOS (possibly Android too, i haven't tested it yet). What I am trying to do is provide a way for user's to link their account to an Alexa skill. During the authorization process i redirect them to the Authorization URL provided for my application. The page asking the user to select a platform loads successfully and I can login with either PSN or Xbox live accounts. After this the redirection fails. It doesn't load the page displaying the logged in user and Approve or Deny buttons. All I see after logging in is a page saying "If this window does not close automatically, click here." with a hyperlink. Copying the hyperlink and pasting it shows that it is a URL. Closing the account linking iOS modal controller and trying to link again immediately loads the Approve/Deny page so the login completed successfully but there seems to just be an issue getting to that page. The Alexa account linking instructions say that authorization pages should NOT try to load separate windows, I'm not sure if this could be causing an issue. Let me know if there is anything I can do from my side to try and fix this issue or if there is any other information I can provide that might help.

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