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впервые опубликовано в:BungieNetPlatform
1/19/2017 11:35:14 PM

Params for ContentService/GetNews

Hey guys, I'm trying to do a bit of testing using the GetNews endpoint within the ContentService. I'm having trouble as I don't know what Param1 and Param2 should be. Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction with this? The documentation for the endpoint: Cheers

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  • Изменено (VThornheart): 1/20/2017 1:32:13 AM
    GetNews is a frustratingly specific endpoint that was created to suit a specific need in the BNet Companion, which is why it's a bit obtuse. :) For the first parameter: If you call the GetContentType endpoint and pass "News", you will get our current configuration for what categories of news are currently available on the site (among other data). The "tagMetadata" property from that result will have a "NewsCategory" property. All of the strings in the "groups" property across all of the items under NewsCategory will be the possible set of values you can pass for the first parameter. Right now these happen to be All, Bungie, Community, Updates, and Destiny: but it's all driven by configuration so to be robust in the future you'll want to check the News definition. The second parameter is a deprecated "locale" property: the Content system is one of our oldest endpoints, created before we had landed on a standardized format for passing locale information across services. If you pass the normal lc= querystring parameter, it will override this old setting (though you will still need to pass it in. You might as well just set lc= and this to the same value). Otherwise, it will still honor it. Pass one of the locales that we support on the site: en, pt-br, es, ja, fr, de, it.

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