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Xbox Raiding Crew

"Committed to help everyone find a successful fireteam!"

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    Xbox Raiding Crew is the #1 Clan for Xbox One and Xbox 360 users to find a fireteam. With over 85,000 members, it will not be difficult to find the perfect team that suits you, whether your interest is in Vault of Glass, Crota's End, Kings Fall, Wrath of the Machine, etc. This clan is purely user-driven, so everyone is equal. The only rules we would like to encourage is for you be specific on what you are looking to do in the forum, and have access to a microphone. We look forward to teaming up with you all each week!

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    85654 Участники
    Общее количество пользователей, вступивших в эту группу
    10 Стаж группы
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впервые опубликовано в:Xbox Raiding Crew
Изменено (ExplosiveCobalt): 2/20/2021 3:53:39 AM

Experienced raider getting back into D2

GT: [b]ExplosiveCobalt[/b] Current light level: [b]1258[/b] [u][url=][/url][/u] – Platinum 3; 86 total raid clears ***** Hey guys! I used to play Destiny 2 on PC, but haven’t been active on Destiny since Forsaken after my PC crapped out on me. I’m looking to start raiding again on Xbox at the moment and have researched a bit of the DSC raid, but I haven’t found any LFGs or clans willing to teach the mechanics of this new raid. ***** I want to return to being a raid sherpa for players new and old, and would like to find a group of like-minded individuals to that end. My own research at the moment is bringing me here, or to clan posts from 2017 and older. I figured I’d give this place a shot and see if I can find a clan I can call home for all things end-game PvE, and maybe some PvP, although I’m nowhere near acceptable in terms of PvP capabilities. ***** As of writing this, I’ve been only on the Warlock class as I missed the profile transfer due date with Bungie and consequently lost most of my old exotics, catalysts, and collection database stuff. I’ve managed to keep some of the vanity stuff and not everything has gone missing. But for now I’ll be solely on Warlock until I manage to figure out how to unlock the other subclasses, and wrap up the BL campaign.

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