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"Clan Recruitment"

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впервые опубликовано в:Clan Finder
4/26/2024 11:10:38 AM

[PSN/XBOX/PC] BΣYӨПD: A Global Clan for [PVE/PVP Endgame]

Introduction: BΣYӨПD is a global gaming clan open to all, with English as the primary language. We foster an environment of camaraderie, teamwork, and respect, where every member can enjoy their gaming experience to the fullest. Conditions: Zero tolerance for hate speech, harassment, or toxicity. Real-life issues are respected, and members are given the time they need. Joining requires participation in our Discord server for updates and activities. No sub-clans; we encourage mutual support among all members. Our Approach: Guides/Practice: Offering guides and practice sessions for both PVE and PVP to help members achieve their gaming goals. Clan Events/Prizes: Regular endgame activities, tournaments, and events with prizes for winners. Alliances/BΣYӨПD Objective: Seeking alliances with like-minded clans to address common challenges such as time zones, inactivity, and defining clan purpose. Discord/Requirement: Discord is mandatory for communication and coordination. Active/Clan Improvements: Open to suggestions for both small-scale and larger-scale improvements, with ideas welcomed from all members. Outside D2 We don't encourage playing Destiny 24/7 because we don't find it healthy. That's why we also prioritize playing other games. For this, we utilize the Outside D2 channel where discussions about any game are welcome. Naturally, Destiny remains our flagship, but we strive not to become overly dependent on any single game.

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