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Clan Finder

"Clan Recruitment"

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впервые опубликовано в:Clan Finder
5/17/2023 1:59:14 AM

[PS4][PS5] Destinys Night Owls Recruiting guardians that play regularly (18+)

Our group typically engages in Destiny gameplay during the hours of 9PM - 1AM PST/EST on both weekdays and weekends. If you're currently clan-less, enjoy playing Destiny, and enjoy endgame activities such as nightfalls, raids, and PvP, we're looking for individuals who embody the following qualities: -Regularly participate in Destiny gameplay and are focused on endgame activities. -Have a willingness to support and help fellow players. -Possess flexibility and are able to take on various challenges. -Do not prefer to play solo and prefer a team-based approach to gameplay. Our clan is composed of mature adults, 18 years or older. If you're on the younger end of the age spectrum and would like to join, we ask that you assess your level of maturity beforehand. Our platform is PS4/PS5 and we require the following: -A relaxed attitude towards gameplay. -Access to a microphone. -Usage of Discord for clan communication and fire team coordination. -Removal of inactive members after a period of 20 to 30 days, in order to create space for dedicated guardians. If our gaming schedule aligns with your availability but you're still committed to your current clan, we welcome other clan alliances. We enjoy taking on the forces of darkness with like-minded guardians. [PS4/PS5] Destinys Night Owls

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