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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
2/5/2015 8:03:04 PM

Xur Inventory Week 2/6/15 READ

Weapon: Red Death (23) SUROS Regime (23) Thunderlord (17) Gjallarhorn (17) Titan: No Backup Plans Hunter: Mask of the Third Man Warlock: Light Beyond Nemesis No Engram Heavy Ammo (5 for 1)

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  • The chances of him selling red death is going to be very slim. Why? Cause if he did sell it the pulse rifle use in the game would skyrocket, and this would mess with bungies stats regarding low pulse rifle use. No, they are going to have xur sell it shortly after the update which buffs pulse rifles. Now based on the weekly update which talks about auto rifles being used too much I'd say there is a very good chance he will be selling suros. Why? Well they want as many people as possible using auto rifles before the update, that way when they get nerfed the amount of people who will use it less will be much more. Plus having way more people using suros will further support their "ars are being used too much and need to be nerfed" reasoning. With bungie its all about stats and manipulating those stats. Suros would make sense based on how they want to herd us.

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