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2/6/2015 2:24:28 PM

Hunters' special NEEDS a shield or lower activation time!

In PVP as we all know Hunters specials take way too long to activate and as soon as you activate it someone has already zeroed in on you and cracked a shot killing you instantly because you have the Worst armor of the classes, it makes no sense that the hunters take around three seconds to activate their specials when both the titan who has an armor bonus when using their ground pound special making it impossible to kill them when they are using it not to mention it take almost no time to use their abilities on top of their already extremely high armor class. and the warlock class can instantly throw a orb of death and STILL has a higher AC than Hunters I do not know how many times I was killed just going into my special because of how indiscreet it is and how long it takes to activate show the Hunters some love Bungie. Please add a shield on hunters when they go into their Specials AND on top of that add a re-spawn shield in PVP I can not tell you how many people spawn camp in PVP.

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