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впервые опубликовано в:Dead Mans Gang
Изменено (KageKennedy): 2/2/2015 6:07:44 AM

Looking for Raiders PS4

Looking for people to run Raids with on the PS4. We got a group of friends that we run with 3-5 guys but we need more people to max raid spots out and just to make things easier when looking to form raid or strike groups. A lot of us are just starting to run these raids so we welcome anyone who willing to run, is chill, and has a mic. Sorry but you need a mic for these things. Hit us up on here. Send us a message and apply for a clan spot to get into our forming of weekly raid runs. My PSN is KageKennedy, same as here. Feel free to hit me up whenever. We are still- working out raiding schedules and whatnot, but that will come together as we grow.

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