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Изменено (Otthild): 1/30/2015 10:58:05 AM

Oaty's Internet Debate Rules

If you're reading this, odds are I've had a debate or conversation with you on here. We might have argued about, agreed upon, or defended something. When debating or arguing, I keep a strict set of rules. If either side breaks these rules, they lose. It's simple. My rules are as follows: 1. Stay on Topic (I am bad at this). Deviating means you're avoiding the truth or you're a scatterbrain. 2. Refrain from insults. This is a debate, not a roast session. Insults mean you feel threatened. They're only acceptable if the other person casts the first stone. Use wisely, you may lose control. 3. Emotion has no place in a debate. Emoticons are for people to hide behind. People use them in an attempt to cover their frustration. You can feel strongly about a topic, but do not let your emotions blind you. 4. Listen. You may be wrong. You'll never know until you open your ears. 5. Respect that thought. Your opinions are shit. Mine are shit. Everyone's are, but we need to respect them even if we don't agree. Everyone comes from a different upbringing. 6. Assume they know more than you. This goes along with the listen portion. If they're blowing smoke, go along with it. You'll be able to study their posting patterns and know when they know their shit and when they're full of shit. There are more, but I'm too tired to post them. If you have debate rules, post them here. sharing is caring after all. [quote]7. Be prepared to verify anything you say. - Enigmatic Entity[/quote]

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